Veranstaltungen und Vorträge

ausgewählte Veranstaltungen und Workshops:

  • “Wie Wind- und Solarenergie die (Berufs-)Welt verändern”, Workshop während der Projektwoche „Your planet, you plan it“ des Goethe Institut Paris, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Deutschland, 1 Oktober 2016.
  • “A Future of Cooperation or Integration in South-East Asia? Under what conditions the EU may serve as a model for ASEAN.” Workshop, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Deutschland, 6 August 2016.
  • “Towards a stronger food and farming movement in Europe”, co-conceptualisation and facilitation of a three days workshop of Friends of the Earth Europe, Berlin, 15-18 January 2016.
  • “EU diplomacy and external relations in the field of energy and environment politics”, one-week intensive course including a EU model simulation, Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law and School of International and Public Policy Summer School Program, Tokyo, Japan, August 2012.
  • “Emission Trading Systems in EU, Korea, Australia and New Zealand”. International Workshop organized in cooperation with the embassies of the EU, Australia, New Zealand, and the Korean Presidential Committee on Green Growth, hosted by Seoul National University, 18 November 2011.
  • “European Higher Education Fair: Study & Research in Europe 2010”, together with Thomas Kalinowski in cooperation with 15 European embassies, hosted by Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 13 May 2010.
  • “Opening Ceremony of the Ewha EU Centre”, with a Commemorative Lecture by Brian McDonald, Head of the EU delegation to Korea, together with Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 1 December 2008.

ausgewählte Vorträge:

  • 11/2016 “The EU climate policy: setting global trends?”, special lecture für die Distinguished Global Lectures Series der Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 9/2016 “Zukunftsfähige und nachhaltige Geschäftskonzepte durch Corporate Foresight”, Vortrag und Seminar auf der Bundeskonferenz der Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland, Konstanz, Deutschland.
  • 5/2015 „Megacities – schöner Leben in der Zukunft? Das Beispiel Seoul“; Gastvortrag, Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Fachbereich Bauingenieur- und Geoinformationswesen, Berlin, Deutschland.
  • 7/2014 “Comparing GHG Emissions Trading Systems Globally: Theoretical Potential and Practical Limits of market-based governance”, paper presentation at the International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress Montreal, Kanada.
  • 3/2014 “Three of Kind? The Emissions Trading Systems of the EU, New Zealand and Tokyo Compared”, special lecture, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, School of Government, Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand.
  • 10/2013 “The EU and the Tokyo Emission Trading Systems Compared”, paper presentation at the Weekly Seminar Series, Centre for Global Governance Studies, Katholieke University Leuven, Belgium.
  • 3/2013 “Global, European, and Asian Transnational City Networks and the Question how to organize Experience and Knowledge Exchange”, paper presentation, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • 9/2012 “Comparing EU’s Emission Trading System and South Korea’s Target Management System”, paper presentation at the International Workshop “EU-Korea in a changing world”, organized by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance and the Seoul National Center for EU Studies and funded by the EU, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 7/2012 “Functions of Transnational City Networks in Europe and Asia: Same, Same but Different”, paper presentation at the IPSA World Congress, Madrid, Spain.
  • 11/2011 “Global patterns of Transnational Organisations and Multi-level Governance? Comparing City Networks in Europe and Asia”, paper presentation at the 5th Asia Pacific International Studies Association Congress in Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 9/2011 “EU Foreign Policy – where are we now?” special lecture für die  Distinguished Global Lecture Series der Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 10/2010 “Korea and EU relations – FTA and ASEM”, panellist at the Arirang TV talkshow “In Focus”, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 6/2010 “European Integration and INGOs – What are the conditions for successful lobbying in a supranational institutional setting?” special lecture given at the Department of International Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 3/ 2010 “Introduction to Comparative Politics”, special lecture given for the Ewha Womans University Global Online Campus, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 11/2009 “Erfolgsbedingungen lokaler und regionaler Interessenvermittlung in Reflexionsgruppen – und darueber hinaus” (Conditions for effective interest mediation of local and regional actors in EU Reflection groups – and beyond). Presentation given at the scientific conference “Horizon 2020-2030: The EU reflection group and the challenges of the multi-level system, Organizer: Lord Major Dr. Schuster, member of the “EU Reflection Group on the Future of Europe in 2020 – 2030 Time Horizon” in cooperation with the Darmstadt University of Technology, the University Tübingen, and the EU Centre Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • 5/ 2009 “The EU Lisbon Strategy and the Cohesion Policy”, special lecture given at the University of Seoul, Department of International Relations, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 11/ 2008 “At the heart of Multilevel Governance: Regions and Cities as Political Actors in the European Union”, paper presented at the international conference “Evidence-based Governance”, Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 2/ 2007 “Cities and the European Union: New Actors in the EU Multi-Level Governance System“, presentation at the ISA Annual Convention, Chicago, USA. Participation was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG).
  • 5/ 2005 “Die lokale Ebene in der EU – zwischen Government und Governance“, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), international Workshop „Global Governance, Imperien und Analytischer Eklektizismus“, Berlin, Germany.
  • 11/ 2004 “The View from Below: the Lobbying Activities of CEMR and EUROCITIES”, Workshop “The European Union and International Relations of Cities” of the CITTA (Cities as International and Transnational Actors) – Network of the European Science Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
  • 6/ 2003 “Transnational City Networks. New Actors in the European Institutional Arrangement”, European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop “Transnationalism in the European Union”, Portsmouth, U.K.